The international conference will take place 3-5 July 2024, organised by the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool.
The Critical Childhood(s) conference is an event jointly organised by the European Children’s Rights Unit (ECRU) at the University of Liverpool, Tema Barn at Linköping University, the Critical Children’s Rights Research Network (CCRR), and supported by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
The European Children’s Rights Unit (ECRU) at the University of Liverpool will host an interdisciplinary conference showcasing some of the most cutting-edge work in contemporary critical childhood and children’s rights scholarship, marking the centenary of the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1924). It aims to look back, critically, at what has been gained in the hundred years since this first international declaration, and to look forward towards the priority issues that affect children’s rights at present, and in the future.
Critical Childhood(s) will bring together scholars working at the vanguard of childhood and children’s rights research, particularly those that work beyond Western models, make use of novel methodologies, study underexplored areas, and provide original theoretical frameworks to the study of childhood and children’s rights. It provides an invaluable opportunity for sharing interdisciplinary knowledge among the arts, humanities and social sciences in the domain of childhood and children’s rights.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
13.00-13.30. Welcome and Introduction
13.30-15.00. Conceptions and Representations of Childhood: History
15.00-15.30. Coffee break
15.30-17.30. Conceptions and Representations of Childhood: Regions
Thursday, July 4, 2024
9.30-11.00. Conceptions and Representations of Childhood: Arts
11.00-11.30. Coffee break
11.30-13.30. Critical Perspectives on Children’s Rights: Theories and Approaches
13.30-14.30. Lunch
14.30-16.00. Critical Perspectives on Children’s Rights: Tensions and Exclusions
16.00-16.30. Coffee break
16.30-17.30. Roundtable Provocations
Friday, July 5, 2024
9.30-11.30. Critical Perspectives on Children’s Rights: Liminal Childhoods
11.30-12.00. Coffee break
12.00-13.30. Critical Perspectives on Children’s Rights: Methodologies of Inclusion
See the tentative programme for the event here: Critical Childhoods Programme (PDF) (titles and abstracts will be shared closer to the date).
We request a registration fee from academic staff in order to cover catering and administration costs for the event. Early career researchers, students and others with limited sources of funding have a reduced rate.
Standard registration fee: £50Reduced fee (students and other early career scholars with limited funding): £20
There will be a conference dinner (July 4th), more information will be given to registered attendants later on. Cost of dinner not included in the registration.
The conference will take place at the School of Law and Social Justice Building, University of Liverpool. See in Google Maps.
Any queries regarding attendance or registration, please contact: Nico Brando.
Scientific Committee:
• Nicolás Brando – Deputy-Director, ECRU, University of Liverpool
• Bengt Sandin – Emeritus Professor, Tema Barn, Linkoping University
• Helen Stalford – Head of the Liverpool Law School
• Eleanor Drywood – Director, ECRU, University of Liverpool
Financially supported by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden) and the Derby Fellowship Fund (University of Liverpool).